Dryden Farms

What a chilly day it is today. It was -4 degrees when I went out on to the farm this morning; most of the water pipes had frozen overnight, so we had lots of animals all patiently waiting for us to defrost everything, and desperate for some extra breakfast to ward off the cold. I am told, we are due some warmer weather by Sunday which would be most welcome!

We have been very blessed this Autumn with the weather; it has been much drier than the last couple of years, and this has enabled us to push forward on the farm, and for the first time since 2021 get all of our crops drilled and in the ground by November. This is a stark contrast from last year where we had to just give up on growing winter crops due to the weather conditions. We didn’t manage to get any ground works done for the first few months of this year, and finally got the last of our drilling done on the 28th April. This meant we were only able to grow ‘Spring crops’ on this land, which have a lower yield of both grain and straw, resulting sadly in a poor harvest. However, we are pleased to report, that everything that we have drilled this autumn is growing well and is hopefully heading into the winter months, nice and strong. So, fingers crossed for a better harvest in 2025!

I am sure you have all seen the latest news in the media surrounding farming and changes in tax. I do not want to go into detail here about policy and make this a political read, however I think it is only right to say that we are worried about the future, as are our farming friends and neighbours. I think the hardest thing for us, is trying to change public perception of farmers. In simple terms, we are seen as wealthy people because we have farms, and big shiny tractors, however whilst we may own some of our land, our tractors are generally on finance, and our bank accounts are often running in the red. I think most farmers are asset rich and cash poor! However, farming is a lifestyle and a passion. It is not something you do to get rich! I used to earn so much more money working for the NHS doing far less hours, but I wouldn’t change my job now for all the world…We farm for the love of it, and we will continue to do so, and make sure we provide good quality food and produce for all of our customers. Yes, some years we make a small profit, which is reinvested into the business, but other years, like this one, we won’t. We just hope that we can continue to farm in the future, and the new policies do not make it untenable for Richard and myself, or our children. I think one thing that needs to be remembered though, is that whether farming stays or goes, there will always be food for everyone in the UK because it will be imported. However, there will not be the wonderful UK grown produce we all love, such as milk, butter, cheeses, eggs, vegetables, British beef and lamb, poultry, flours, whiskeys and lagers etc. I think there are some turbulent times ahead for the UK as a whole, not just British Agriculture.

Onto a brighter note – We had some very exciting news this month. Someone has nominated us for an award with the Northern Farmer Awards:

Arable Farmer of the Year Award – The Northern Farmer Awards 2025

And, we are delighted to report, we have made the final!!! We are so thrilled and also flattered that people have taken the time to write in and nominate us, it is so kind. We will find out the results in February at the Northern Farmer Awards Dinner, which we are very much looking forward too.

We have been extremely busy the last few weeks with Maize harvest. This is always a fun job, and a bit of a last hurrah at the end of the season for all the team. We had a lot of giggles, with tractors slipping and sliding in the mud, and at one point we even had a spare tractor on hand to tug us out of a gateway! Huge thanks must also go to Simon, who wasn’t in his usual spot on one of the tractors, but still brought out pizzas to everyone at midnight in his PJs so we could keep working! We were certainly feeling very loved and looked after that night! Now Maize is finished, our Harvest 2024 is officially complete! So next stop is Christmas, and of course our wonderful KellyBronze turkeys.

Talking of turkey, they are looking sensational and are almost ‘ready’. Our order books are open on the website, and they are selling well. We are probably about 75% sold which is fabulous but means we will soon be running low. Have you ordered yours yet? Sales are coming in thick and fast, so do pop over to our website and get you order in to avoid disappointment: www.drydenfarms.co.uk or Call or text Tanza on 07736-018822.
Until next month.

Wishing everyone all the best,

Martin, Judith, Richard, Tanza & George